1916(Feb 16) Plain env to Altona from 3rd Class Engr. Rothe on S.S. Savoia an interned sailor from the vessel bearing 5c tied Cristobal machine d/s…………………….Ships of belligerent nations that called into or were forced to seek refuge in neutral ports were interned. The SS Savoia of the Hamburg-American line was one such vessel together with the crew of 69 interned on Taboga Is, a small island of 12.1 square km [4.67 square miles] about 20 km from Panama City. In the spring of 1918 after the USA had entered the war in April 1917 the interned sailors together with other German aliens & other non US civilians considered a security risk were moved to Ellis Is. New York detention centre many later being moved to Hot Springs NC Camp & then Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia