1944 (Jun 10) GB GV1 3d Registered envelope (Daynes RE 2b) to 579880 Sgt. Hattingh, 44 Bn., “B” Coy S.A.A.F., B.N.A.F. uprated with GB GV1 pair 2/6 green tied Field Post Office 186 cds located in Egypt & on back Base Army Post Office 4 ……..A very unusual item as most South African forces at this time were in Italy with the high rate 5/3 franking indicating very heavy content or airmail somewhere overseas, however B.N.A.F. was North Africa not so very far away & the only S.A.A.F. personel in the area were likely to be Radar operatives. The absence of additional transit or arrival cds other than Base Office 4 located in Egypt leaves us a mystery