1840 (Dec 20) Stampless folded Entire to Mrs Gillespie roughly opened written by Captain R R Gillespie, 4th Dragoons ( now with the 15th Hussars) from Bangalore with manuscript Per Steamer Victoria alongside octagonal framed FORWARDED / BY / REMINGTON Co. & red oval INDIA & rated in manuscript 2/8 with on reverse fancy framed 10 FN 10 / FE 8 /1841 alongside circular 1 / 8 FE 8 / 1841 both applied at London. Typed transcript of the entire letter is included “Capt. R. R. GillespieI had left the Army of the Indus at Bukkhur on the 7th Jan & he writes of his suffering from a painful Liver infection that almost killed him save for treatment from 50 leeches & a blister that saved him..Medical men recommended that he travel to the Cape or New South Wales for 2 years under medical recovery certification…He did niether but looked towards borrowing money to bring his wife out to take care.