1904 (Sep) [37.9.28.] Lettersheet to Gumma-ken, Japan from Japanese 3rd Army soldier cancelled vernacular 3rd Army FPO No 2, Branch FPO 1 cds …….
Japanese General Nogi Maresuke & the 3rd Army were assigned the taking of the Russian Naval Port of Port Arthur. Nogi began shelling on 7 August 1904 & then planned to assault 174 meter Hill defended by 5th & 13th East Siberian Regiments. This cost Nogi 16,000 + casualties & he settled for siege being uunable to penetrate the Russian defences. 203 Meter Hill became the next focal point of Nogi & on 26th November he made a frontal assault & after 9 days of bitter fighting the Japanese finally overran the Russian positions. This was critical as Nogi was now able to move his 11 inch guns to the hill and shell the Russian warships in the harbour. Russia surrendered Port Arthur on 2 January 1905 after costing the Japanese 57780 killed, wounded or missing…..
Scarce use of FPO 2 Branch Office 1 during this historic period