1847 (Jul 7) Stampless entire headed Montevideo July 7, 1847 to London endorsed “Rattler Steamer” & rated in manu 2/7 cancelled Correo du Montevideo [18 Ju] & with London (28 Aug) arrival cds with detailed letter of the Anglo-French Naval blockade of Buenos Aires & Uruguay waters…………HMS Rattler was part of the Anglo-French naval blockade forces & served under Commander Richard Moorman in South America from 17 Nov 1846 – 13 Sep 1847…. Enclosed we beg to send copy of our recent respects of 2nd Inst. announcing the unfavourable termination of the negotiations at Buenos Aires, nearly all hope of any improvement in affairs until further advices can be received from Europe, have vanished and the trade with Buenos Aires by means of small craft, has greatly increased under the fear that a more severe blockade of that port will be enforced. prices both of exports and import articles are uncertain during this state of suspense. Both the British & French envoys are now in this city. Of English vessels there are 7 in port, 4 of which are loading for Liverpool & 2 for London- the rates for freight are very high, but as many more vessels are expected soon, we may look for some decline