1912 ( May 28) Plain stampless envelope together with letter & 2 photographs of the area to Auxerre Yonne cancelled Tresor et Postes / 85 & with violet unframed Troupes D’Occupation du Haut – Chuir & circular Gouvernement Militaire du Haut-Ghuir /Poste de Bou Denib hand stamps & on reverse transit (30 May) & arrival (4 Jun) cds ………………………………………………………..
From the beginning of 1900 European powers had designs to influence the political & commercial benefits of Morocco with France & Spain in 1904 signing a secret Treaty between themselves. The Algecires Conference of 1906 entrusted France & Spain to police the country. The Treaty of Fez was signed 30 March 1912 making Morocco a French protectorate which subsequently France & Spain split into 4 zones with France taking a much larger share.