1916(Mar 30) GB 3d Brown registered stationary envelope to Rotterdam uprated with 5d & ½d tied The Camp Knockaloe/Peel cds & with Registration & Value Declared labels & manuscript “Insured for twenty pounds” from POW in Camp 4, Compound 3 Hut 1 with oval Aliens Detention Camp /Censored /Knockaloe I.O.M. handstamp partly overlaid by rare oval Postkantoor /Vlissingen /Queenborough wax seal & on reverse framed Folkestone /Vlissingen (2 Apr) datestamp & Rotterdam arrival (3 Apr) arrival cds.
Mails to Holland were mostly carried by Zeeland Steamship Co. sailing between Flushing to Folkstone or Queenborough. On outbreak of war Queenborough was closed to Dutch steamships but other routes remained open, further changes to routes took place under Admiralty orders during 1915 & 1916. In Feb & Mar 1916 the Zeeland sailings were temporarily suspended & outward letter mails were carried by Great Eastern Railway steamers, the Zeeland sailing recommenced in April. A rare item….Ref; Mark: “British Censorship of Civil mails during WW1 1914-19, & Imperial & Foreign Mails sea conveyance during war 1914-18