1917(Jan 15) Plain envelope Registered to Basel, Switzerland bearing Sower 10c & Merson 40c tied Massevaux cds & with matching Registration label No 971 & with on reverse CONTROLE POSTAL MILITARE label tied violet oval OUVERT / 55 / Par I’AUTORITE MILITAIRE & with 3 fine 100% Wax Seals of the Military Postal Controle de Belfort & Basel/Brieftrager (21 Jan) arrival cds…..The French P.O. under Military Controle was opened at Massevaux was opened 11 Feb 1915. Alsace Lorraine was ceded to Germany by the Treaty of Frankfurt in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian war, with the French remaining resentful of this throughout the years. No opportunity was lost & the 1st Feb 1915 French occupied and took Military control of several areas starting with the French P.O.s at Moosch & Wesselring with more to follow. After the defeat of Germany & under the aspises of the Treaty of Versailles Alsace Lorraine was reunited & ceded back to France in 1920.