1940 (Aug 5) Celer Industrier AB, Stockholm printed envelope by airmail to The M. Simons & Son Co., Inc., New York endorsed By airmail via The Atlantic bearing King Gustaf V 2 x 20 ore + 3 x 30 ore & single 5 ore making 135 ore rate tied Stockholm machine & with partial violet Taxe Percue hand stamp. Intercepted by British censors in Bermuda & with red on white PC 102 OPENED BY / CENSOR. /66 label (Type CL 2) & on reverse flap sealed with PA POST /For /Sweden patriotic label …..These P.C. 102 labels are scarce & Flynn in Intercepted in Bermuda records 7 items of Examiner 66 used between 15 Jan – 30 Sep 1940. A very visual & striking cover