1941 (Mar 18) Plain envelope endorsed Clipper From New York to Lisbon & with mauve unframed TRANSATLANTIC ROUTE to Rotterdam & forwarded to Den Helder bearing Winged Globe 30c tied Brooklyn N.Y. duplex 1 date stamp, Intercepted by British in Bermuda & with rare 167 n.n. / [P.C. 90] /OPENED BY /EXAMINER 5383 label (CL 9a) & with Rotterdam (18 Apr) transit cds while on reverse Geoffnet /Obercommando der Wehrmacht /. . e . . label (Riemer E – 53) tied red circular Eagle Swastika /e (Riemer E – 3b)…..The 167n.n. [P.C. 90} label is rare & unrecorded by Flynn in Intercepted in Bermuda the series is only recorded up to 167m.m.s only 2 between 10 – 18 Sep 41 this extends that known usage.