1942 – 43 Trio of Livanos Agency Inc., New York printed censored envelopes 2 are airmail other is printed matter all with faults of some description to Messrs. A. Lusi & P. Lykiardopoulo, Greek Shipping Committee, c/o The Royal Greek Embassy, London bearing damaged Prexie 30c tied New York N.Y /Church Street Annex (14 Oct 42) & with & with PC 90 Opened By /Examiner 1340 label or addressed simply to Greek Shipping Committee, c/o The Royal Greek Embassy with manuscript blue crayon 51 Upper Brook St. W.1. added bearing Prexie 5c tied same New York /Church St. Annex (20 Jul 43) with PC 90 Examiner 4534 label & last to same address bearing Transport 30c tied New York /Sta B duplex (20 Jul 43) with transparent Examined By /5602 tape & PC 90 Examiner 1340 label.
Livanos Agency Inc., was a Greek Shipping company with offices in New York & 51 Upper Brook St. London W.1. was the address of The Royal Greek Embassy located in an area where many Allied Governments in Exile and other Covert offices, Agencies & Secret entities using undercover addresses were located. A good trio showing the connection to the exiled Greek government who provided the use of the Greek Merchant Shipping Lines & Agencies for the Allied war effort during the occupation of Greece