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1942 (Jul 21) Printed Air Mail Letter Card with blue inlay on inside to Major Creasy, Bulawauyo from 2/Lt. Godfrey, O.T.A. (Somalia), c/o A.PP.S. East Africa who states that he is now stationed at Bulo Buurti alone in the hinterland with his nearest white neighbour being 65 miles away bearing KUT 20c & 5c tied & cancelled in transit E.A. / APO 66 (30 Jul) cds located Fortress HQ, Mombasa & with OPENED BY BASE CENSOR label (Henning EAL 700) with OPENED BY cut away leaving only unrecorded BASE CENSOR label plus plain re-closing labels to top & third side tied violet framed PASSED BY BASE CENSOR / E.A. No 111/01 with on reverse a clearer strike & Bulawayo (4 Aug) arrival cds ………….Scarcer Stationary & rare rempte Bolo Burti origin with unusual censorship with interestingly the adhesives having been applied over the reclosing labels suggesting that these were applied at Base Censorship.