1942 (Dec 5) Philadelphia National Bank printed envelope to Turkey in Asia bearing 3c Win the War with perfin PNB indents tied Philadelphia slogan (5 Dec) & Returned for additional postage with violet unframed Postage Due Cents with manuscript 2 inserted & additional 2c Defence with perfin PNB indents added tied Philadelphia machine (17 Dec). Envelope incorrectly addressed to 12 Mir, Turkey in Asia & highligted with manuscript “Izmir is place” in red crayon . Egyptian Censorship label tied censor hand stamp +, India PC90 Opened By Examiner label tied losenge Crown /Passed /DHC 33 + Free French Cross of Lorraine within circle & on reverse blue crayon vernacular, basically translated as, “Forbes is not here/signature” with Izmir (23 Apr 43) cds + on face manuscript Retour & reverse partial Istanbul (24 Apr) cds + SS Postasi (31 Apr) transit cds for return. On arrival back in India plain brown label tied DHC/331 & scarce blue unframed Received Damaged/Postal Censor (CSG 15A) & black losenge Crown / Passed /DHC 32 + New York / Buy / War Savings / Bonds & Stamps (20 Sep) slogan & on face Pointing hand/Return to Sender in violet…………………..An incredible item USA-INDIA-EGYPT-FRENCH LEVANT-TURKEY & back again extraordinarily Bank mail with perfin indents initialy underpaid & returned for additional postage, censored in 3 different countries & scarcer received damaged h/s ….Choice item