1944 TAIWAN – USA…POW TAKEN in the PHILIPPINE Is… [21740]


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WW2 -1944 Plain stampless envelope endorsed in ink Prisoners Letter to Kansas from Pfc Comer L. Parks with scarce violet unframed Service Des / Prisonniers De Guerre & framed violet (49 x 16mm) Furyo Yubin (Prisoner of War Post) plus Taiwan Furyo (Taiwan Prisoner of War Camp / Censored) & blue (21 x 15mm) framed Taiwan Furyo Shuyosho (Taiwan POW Camp) / Ken’etsuzumi (Censored) with Censors chop of Terada who censored mail from POW’s in 1944. On arrival US CENSORSHIP / star / EXAMINED / By 601 handstamp tied transparent EXAMINED tape ….Pfc Comer L Parks ex 19 Bomb Group HQ US Army Air Corps was taken POW in the Philippines & given POW number 6936727..A fine item

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