1944 (Jan 8) Improvised envelope made from old ledger to Kuala Kangsar bearing on reverse Japanese Occupation of Malaya Tin Dredger 4c & Fruit 2 x 2c (SG J 300 & J 298) tied black smudged Marang cds (Proud D 2) alongside unclear black vernacular katakana (8 Jan) cds & with on face violet framed Ipoh /8 & black Kuala Kangsar /6 Japanese censor hand stamps …….On the 18 October 1943 Japan ceded the 4 Northern States of Kelantan, Perlis, Kedah & Trengganu to Thailand with the Thai’s issueing the first stamps on 15 Nov 1943. This leaves a small window of less than 2 years of use before the surrender & restoration of British rule…All mail is rare & this is one of only a handful of covers known from Marang Ex Milo Rowell & Jay Sirirattumrong