1945 (Feb 12 & Mar 21) A.F.W. 3078 (English) S.S.P. Ltd., Pt. Order No. 450/G411 Dt. 13-6-44 – 10,00,000 pair of Green envelopes together with good letters to Lancing, Sussex from 14222349 Cfm Mansbridgee, R.E.M.E. W/shps Sect. Att. 111 ATK Regt R.A. both with violet circular Unit Censor /A 977 hand stamps [1] Cancelled Indian F.P.O. 76 (12 Feb) located Myinmu – Wundwin area “Constantly on the move on the road to ——–, had to hand in beds today because have to dig deeper to get below ground if you have a bed & no sooner we arrive they expect us dug in and ready for work” [2]Cancelled Indian F.P.O. 123 (22 Mar) located Alagappa – Kyaukse area “Mandalay is now clear with a lot Japs trapped iin the area, the dead Japs are left for the vultures to eat — What a Stench” ……………(2 envelopes & letters).