1945 (Mar 14 ) GB 2½d bi-lingual Prisoner of War Post Air Mail printed letter sheet to Sergt Robert Cass 139430, A.R.B., K.D.O. 7001 Stalag X1 B, Germany cancelled Ryde /Isle of Wight (16 Mar) date stamp & with red losenge Crown /Passed /P.W. 1081 & blue crayon X deleting address with on reverse violet framed This Letter has Been Returned By the Swiss Post Office who were unable o Reforward it to Germany because of the Interruption of Communications hand stamp together with another to same man cancelled Cowes /Isle of Wight (3 Apr) & with different sized & layout of hand stamp with same wording …..2 items.
Stalag X1 B located at Fallingbostel was liberated by British troops on 16 April 1945 with this item undoubtedly caught up in the rapid allied advance towards he end of the war in Europe