1947(Apr 9) Plain envelope to Lisbon bearing Chiang Kai-shek $20 + National Assembly Ho. Nanking $20 + Douglas DC4 plane $27 + Sun Yat-sen 2 x $250 on $5 + $20 on 2c + $500 on 3c + $20 making $1107 rate tied Tsingtao d/s & on reverse Correios/Lisboa roller machine [20 May] arrival d/s……………… [International surface rate of $1100 lasted from 1 Mar-13 Oct 47]………………………….[After Japan’s surrender in August 1945 a race ensued between Nationalists & Communists to seize control of the former Japanese Occupied areas until the Communist victory after the decisive battle of Hwai-Hai in January 1949. During this period Inflation of the Nationalist currency increased until the introduction in May 1949 of the Silver Yuan]