1990 (Oct 18) British Forces “Bluey” pictorial Aerogramme with inner section complete but detached showing Mediterranean, Red Sea, Indian Ocean & Persian Gulf blockades to Winchester from F8195755 Sac Mason, RAF MT Section, Op Granby, BFPO 641 datelined Somewhere in Saudi & cancelled Field Post Office 190 cds & with black unframed Multinational Force & circular Multinational Force with Camel & rider in centre on back Crown over circular motif with Eagle
in centre.
Between 2 – 4 August 1990 Iraqi Military forces invaded Kuwait, Coalition forces were built up
in Saudi Arabia & action commenced 17 Jan 1991 initially with Air strikes & Bombardments followed with a ground Force assault on 24 Feb that lasted exactly 100 hours of intense & fast moving combat after which a cease fire was called prior to an Armistice negotiated on 3 March …………………………………………………………………genuine mail is scarce